Month: May 2021

Experiential learning

To understand the surroundings through practice. In other words, to enable learners to fully participate in the learning process, so that learners really become the leading role in the classroom. The role of the instructor is no longer blindly unilaterally impart knowledge. More importantly, is the use of visual, audible, epic teaching media efforts for students ready to experience prior to the start of the work. Therefore, students will have a kind of impulse, eager to learn voluntarily fully into the learning process, and actively contact language, use the language, learn the language in the process of experience. Any exciting experience in life, such as bungee jumping, being suspended upside down, and leaping through the air, is a thrilling experience that you will never forget. In the same way, experiential learning will also bring new feelings and stimuli to language learners, so as to deepen their memory and understanding.

The teacher is the center of instruction, and the students just need to pay attention and take notes carefully. However, experiential learning requires learners to take the initiative, take the main responsibility for their own learning, and really become the subject of the teaching process. Experiential learning emphasizes the active participation of learners. Without such participation, no experience can be generated. The core of experiential learning is the process, which means the process is the learning itself.

Chinese board game “go”

When I was a young boy, I had interests in everything. I tried to learn how to play guitar, piano, how to dance… One day, I saw my grandfather was playing “go” with his friend. They were so focused like they were the generals, the black and white stones were the soldiers. That white war was last three hours and my grandfather won. After that day, I started my self-learning. In two weeks, I read five books of “go”, and once my grandfather played with others, I would go to see the game, no matter what I was doing. With the interest and the hard-working, my “go” skill was getting better. In the third month of learning “go”, I started playing with my grandfather. After each game, I looked back with him and analyzed the game. Until today, I still cannot win a game from him… “Go” is a very special game, you played more and you will get stronger, it required you to remember every composition you saw. And you can use them in future games.


Hello everyone, my name is Yixing Chen. I am a fourth-year Econ student, the reason that I chose this course is I take this course as an elective. And It is an online course, so it will not take any time spot of my schedule. This summer will be my last semester at Uvic. I am very happy to study with all of you. Right now, I am studying outside of Canada, and I wish everyone to stay safe.

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